Customer Testimonies

Lars Dyre Jespersen, Siteshop
Henrik is a high skilled, reliable and trustworthy business partner [who is] always eager to provide the best result.
Nikolaos Doganis, NOKIA
[...] Henrik was a Project Manager in a very challenging and demanding project. He performed his job in a professionally and timely way.
[...] He was orginised, coherent, persistant and inspired his team to perform.
He was a great team player and had deep technical knowledge of GSM networks.
I enjoyed working with him and strongly recommend him in related positions.
Kenny Niutanen, NOKIA
The decision making [...] characterizes Henrik's strengths:
  • Fast decision making
  • Willingness to take risks
  • Initiative taking
  • Capable to work in an insecure environment
From the project management phase I would mention the following qualities of Henrik:
  • Building relations and trust with highly technically oriented customers
  • Technical know-how
  • Systematic project management practices
Copyright © 2011: Henrik Kaare Poulsen